In "The Greatest Story Never Told," you will discover . . .
a new universe story based on a novel Spirit-Science synthesis.
what universal constant joins and reconciles science and religion.
a simple mathematical ratio (Phi 1.618) the ancients called "God's building block" for the cosmos.
how going to heaven is vitally linked with how the heavens go.
the universal fingerprint (icon) of God found in nature and the cosmos, hiding in plain sight.
how Jesus revolutionized religion the way Edison did lighting, and Freud sex.
what the deep state doesn’t want you to know about UFO’s (UAP’S) and why, and its relationship to the new universe story (Spirit-Science synthesis).
the seven manifestations of Spirit that scientists, theologians, and academics don’t know about.
There is a unified field in the cosmos that holds everything together, and every discipline is a portal to it. Science calls it a field of fundamental forces and elementary particles. Religion calls it God and accepts it by faith as an impenetrable mystery. How can their historically divided perspectives be reconciled?
In The Ambient Christ, the author proposes a novel paradigm that explains their complementarity as a seamless unity. This innovative model provides a new story for an ailing and divided planet, and a viable solution to the holy grail quest.
"There is something too narrow and missing in the gospel as it is presented to us.
In spite of appearances, our age is more religious than ever; it only needs stronger
~Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
"A religion old or new, that stressed the magnificence of the universe as revealed by
modern science
might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by conventional
Sooner or later, such a religion will emerge."
~Carl Sagan
We live in an age hungry for a new universe story, a grand cosmology that reconciles the Creation Story with Evolution, and scientific understanding with religion. Such a narrative, if credible, would be nothing short of the mother of all cosmologies. Call it "The Greatest Story Never Told," a subtitle once considered for this book.
I like to think big thoughts. In the seventh decade of life, I find myself in what developmental psychoanalyst Erik Erikson called the Generative Stage, the next to last stage of psychosocial development. It is that phase of life when a person is inspired to contribute something of lasting value for the benefit of future generations. For a writer, that might involve offering clarity of vision and direction in some way to those who follow. I had one book in me, this one. This work is an offshoot of the vocation to which I have been called and gifted. Every experience in my life, and every encounter have in some way led to its making. Its content is not for everyone, though hopefully a few may find it relevant or enlightening. It is born of a passionate curiosity about the inner workings of things, whose origin is in deepest nature, the One (singularity) from which all multiplicity and diversity derive.
Read more . . .Joseph C. Masterleo, LCSW-DCSW, is a clinical social worker in private practice in Syracuse, NY and Rockledge, FL. His half-century of service in the mental health care field includes faith-based counseling, with an emphasis on psycho-spiritual integration. His subspecialty involves developing a novel paradigm for the synthesis of science, religion, and psychology, identifying the energy and geometric patterns that connect the quantum world with space-time. His model explains how spirit and matter can co-exist as two facets of one reality in a unified field, dissolving the walls of partition between previously siloed disciplines. Inspired by the writings of Thomas Merton (ecumenism), Teilhard de Chardin (synthesis), Thomas Berry (ecotheology), and others, his objective is to tell a new, future-looking story for the Ecozic Age, one that forms a connecting bridge between the biblical story of creation, modern science, and ancient cosmologies.
Manly P Hall was an esoteric philosopher and mystic who spent a lifetime studying the underlying principles of religion, philosophy, and the rise and fall of nations. A prolific lecturer, writer, and interpreter of many ancient writings, his best-known work is The Secret Teachings of All Ages (1928). Hall died in 1990, but not before his monumental work, insights, and wisdom developed a cosmology of world religions, linking light (fire) as their common plasmatic core. Combined with modern physics, Hall's scholarly work helped lay the groundwork in religion for the advent of a novel Spirit-Science synthesis presented in The Ambient Christ, and with it a new universe story for our time. The video below summarizes Hall's religious synthesis, which the author proposes blends seamlessly with modern science into a unified whole, a postmodern cosmotheology.
Creating a science-religion synthesis and a new universe story involves coordinating the discoveries of modern science with ancient cosmologies and biblical texts. Studies in quantum physics reveal that what we perceive as material forms are slowed-down sound and light waves. Sound and light becoming form is also consistent with the Genesis account of creation, where on six successive days of creation God spoke, and what was spoken materialized (Gen. 1:3-26). Ancient cultures used the metaphor that the universe is a cosmic symphony singing a song to the creator. Such wisdom literature aligns with modern science, which supports the notion that the cosmos is indeed a mathematically precise symphony of vibrations. As in the video below, combining scientific and religious cosmologies allows for a greater story to be told.
“Two things inspire me to awe – the starry heavens above, and the moral universe within”
~ Albert Einstein.
There can be no new universe story without including the known facts on the planet’s best kept secret dating back thousands of years involving off-world beings and related interdimensional phenomena. This mystery promises to turn history, science, religion, and cosmology upside down, and require major challenges and modifications to every present and future unified model(s) proposed. The most intriguing part of the "greatest story never told" fits nicely into the author's novel spirit-science model. This highly controversial subject has yet to be forthrightly broached, to say nothing of being intelligently included in any proposed synthesis model thus far. In the author’s view, what makes this subject the most difficult for others to address, particularly in science, academia, and theology, involves overcoming part or all of four investigative obstacles -- fear, willful ignorance, irresponsibility, and denial, none of which are viable options in the spirit of truth, and free scientific investigation. One must begin by being informed on the most widespread government deception and disinformation campaign ever perpetrated upon the American public, aided by the press.
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